Jérôme Deuchnord Apps

Ploutos – Gestion de budget 1.2
Ploutos (anciennement Gestion CarteRestauration) est une application de gestion de budget dont lemaître mot est « simplicité ». Elle vous permet d'enregistrerrapidement et simplement vos dépenses et de garder un œil sur lesolde courant, sans prise de tête.Quelques fonctionnalités en vrac :- Enregistrez vos dépenses en un clin d'œil- Supprimer une dépense erronée en la maintenant simplementappuyée- Prédéfinissez vos dépenses habituelles pour aller encore plusvite- Soyez notifié(e) lorsque votre solde passe en-dessous d'un seuilque vous pouvez déterminerListe des permissions demandées :- S'exécuter au démarrage : vous notifie dès ledémarrage de votre appareil si vous avez atteint le seuil prévudans les paramètres.Plutus (formerly FoodManagement Card) is a budget management application whose word is"simplicity". It allows you to quickly and easily record yourexpenses and keep an eye on the current account, without the fuss.Some features in bulk:- Record your expenses in a snap- Delete incorrect expenditure now simply supported- Pre-define your usual expenses to go even faster- Be notified (e) when your balance drops below a threshold you candeterminelist of the required permissions:- run at startup: notifies you when starting up your deviceif you have reached the threshold provided in thesettings.
PhoneJuice Checker 1.2.1
Help me to translate PhoneJuice Checker inyour language! https://www.getlocalization.com/PhoneJuiceChecker/PhoneJuice Checker is a tool that will allow you to checkquickly the state of the battery of your phone from yourwatch.You don't need to take it out of your pocket any more!Main functionalities:- Android Wear interface to allow you to access the state of yourbattery- Get notified when your phone is discharged and when its batteryis full**Warning**: after installation, you need to start the servicemanually for the first time, because of a limitation in the Androidsystem. In order to activate the service, launch the app on thephone and tap the button. This is only necessary the firsttime.Permissions details:- Control vibration: for the notification when the battery of yourphone is low or full- Run at startup: starts the service on the phone- Read battery statistics: do I really have to explain this? ^^